tibetan turquoise & coral w/rainbow moonstone
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Turquoise is known as the “Soul Stone” in Tibet as it helps to balance the mind and soul. It is highly protective against negative energy around the wearer and enhances communication skills. Turquoise helps the wearer to live ones personal truth in all areas, therefore it is known as a highly spiritual stone, providing a soothing energy and bringing peace of mind.
Coral comes from the sea. It helps to bring peace by soothing the emotional body.It helps to develop intuition, imagination and visualization by opening up to universal guidance. Red Coral represents the ability to allow for flow & change in ones life & quiets the emotions.
Moonstone is known as the stone of new beginnings, helping you to connect to the energy of the universe in order to manifest your wishes and desires. It assists transmutation of repressed emotions and encourages you to trust your intuition and drawing from the universe what is needed.It is connected with feminine energy, self awareness, creativity, and relationships.
Clasp is Gold Vermeil
More then just a piece of jewelry, these designs are energized with blessings through ancient healing practices so that the stones are activated at their highest potential, making each 1 of a kind piece a sacred talisman to bring you peace, joy and love.